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Why Do Baths Rust and How Do You Fix Them?

Posted by BathroomWerx on 12 October 2020
Why Do Baths Rust and How Do You Fix Them?

Does your bathtub look a little worse for wear? Are rust stains plaguing every occasion when you want to enjoy a relaxing bath? The unsightly, orange appearance of rust is a common bathroom headache. Cleaning becomes increasingly difficult and bleach only enhances the problem, causing further damage to your tub.

We've compiled a quick list outlining the most common causes of rust in baths, how you can prevent recurrence and options for permanent fix. (Some of which are cheaper and faster than you might imagine).


What causes rust in baths?

There are several issues that can cause rust to form in your bath and before you proceed with fixing the rust, you'll first have to identify the cause:

Leaking taps:

When taps leak, water pools in the areas around the plug hole, resulting in rust formation in the crevices. Most commonly, this is caused by worn rubber washers that require replacing. It could be a damaged cartridge or simply the parts may be loose. Alternatively, it could be the result of a more intricate issue that would require the attention of a plumber such as a corroded valve seat.

Uneven bath surfaces:

Uneven bath surfaces also cause the pooling of water in areas that result in rust formation. The surface may be uneven due to leveling errors during installation or because its foundations have shifted. After a bath, the best thing you can do to avoid rust is to wipe down the tub to make sure no water is left, however, this is a short term preventative measure.

Dissolved iron in tap water:

Even if your water appears clear and as good as normal, if you're experiencing rust in the tub, it may be possible there's high levels of dissolved iron in your water. When this occurs, the dissolved iron sits and oxidises on the surface of the bathtub. As with uneven bath surfaces, the best thing you can do is to wipe down the tub after use. Again, this is only a short term preventive measure.


Can bleach remove rust from a bathtub?

If you're already experiencing rust in your bathtub, the worst thing you can do is try to remove it with bleach or cleaning products that contain bleach. This is particularly important if the cause is dissolved iron in your tap water - the bleach will react with the iron present in the water, causing the rust issue to worsen.


How can you fix a rusted bath?

If your bathtub is beyond preventive measures and has reached the point of being badly rusted, there are long-term solutions worth seriously considering. Maybe you're thinking, "there's no way I can afford to replace my tub!" - well, the good news is, you don't have to. A rusted tub doesn't mean the end. You can take what's old and make it new again with affordable bathtub resurfacing services. Using our 7-year warranty Werx enamel, the process involves restoring the bath's enamel surface to look new again, without all the hassles of a full renovation or replacement. It's cheaper, faster and will have you back enjoying your baths fast.

Whether your bath is damaged or rusted, we have the cost-effective, environmentally friendly solutions you need. If you're looking to resurface your bathtub, our team at various locations across Australia are ready to help you transform your bathroom. Contact us today by calling 1800 644 171 or via our online form.


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